
a solid not an object

What is Memory Island?
Memory Island is a flower on a hill among grasses. The sun in the sky among clouds. A mound, a pile – a centre emerges.
A voice is an island coming out of the water. A performance is the lucky time we have together.

Where is Memory Island?
Anna Julia Stainsby and Cason Sharpe
Maddie Gnam, Claire Geddes Bailey, Nik October, Kate Colenbrander
EJ Kneifel and Lily Wang and you <3

What can I do on Memory Island?
Anna and Cason read stories
Break for fishing and gardening
Open mic, where you can read for up to three minutes

Where am I going to put all the things I collect?
As you explore, you can fill your pockets with items you find along the way and carry necessities like your rocks, net, shovel, and pole.
We will also have a box.

Visitors also ask: Can visitors to Memory Island fall in love?

a solid not an object a solid not an object
a solid not an object a solid not an object a solid not an object
a solid not an object a solid not an object
a solid not an object
a solid not an object a solid not an object a solid not an object
a solid not an object a solid not an object
a solid not an object a solid not an object
a solid not an object
a solid not an object
a solid not an object
a solid not an object a solid not an object

reading + open mic
organized by Lily Wang and EJ Kneifel
click here for ej's hosting text
Thursday, Aug 17 2023 :: doors 6:30 / start 7:00
@ Gallery TPW
with generous support from OCAD

floral design by Maddie Gnam
food design by Claire Geddes Bailey
poster design by Nik October
documentation by Kate Colenbrander

a solid not an object

© 2023 lily wang ej kneifel ej lily ej lily