'trying' (illustration for lyric essay) @ bluehouse journal
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: a gum pink, bright olive and mint green line drawing of two amorphous, mostly-limbed, headless creatures. the one on the left has four limbs and is somersaulting into itself clockwise. it has three rocks: the smallest lodged in a knee, the medium one held in the sole of a foot. the biggest, glowing rock is what the figure is somersaulting around. the creature on the right has three complete limbs and a few which might be turning into the hot reflection of water. this creature is also shifting clockwise, but in a way that looks more similar to a backflip.]
'HUMHUMHUMHUMHUMHUMHUM' broadside @ above/ground
[image description: a navy blue line drawing of an amorphous bodily figure. with two dancing feet, one hand with coral-like fingers, and two other limbs, stretching. widely, jointlessly. a chunk of the form floats in a cove of itself, maybe having detached. the shaded oval underneath it might be its hole or its shadow. dispersed throughout the figure are three phrases. written in capital, dusty pink letters, they ping, "a brother blinks slow," "a brother blinks slow," "blueberries rolling in milk."]
'CONVERSATION' @ antilang 07 & featured as SICK calendar 2021's october cover girly
[img: billowing red-line creatures that might just be one. haphazard fingernails haphazardly, one of which is glossy red. one half of the creature(s) asks, “what do you do?” the other answers, “i haunt myself-”]
'Winter Eyes (Self-Portrait as Portrait of Brother)' @ gaze journal
Acrylic paint and ballpoint pen on canvas.
[image description: a portrait painted in bright yellow and dusty green, with blue pen for details. the subject’s shaven head is mostly in shadow. their green eyes wince in the yellow light. they are in the middle of saying something, their green lips a slow carnation.]
'EKPHRASIS' @ periodicities journal
'THE WIND IN MY LEGS I AM THE GRASS' @ ARC poetry magazine
[image description: a visual poem called the wind in my legs i am the grass on page 62. white acrylic paint on wood which looks something like hipbones.]
logo & issue3 illustrations @ theta wave
'eyes on 8' (illustration for rain rain lyric essay) @ empty mirror
3 illustrations for "the ghostwriter," a short story by bára hladík @
briarpatch mag
never sweeter! than when
trynne tapped the sesame seeds off
like a cigarette
© 2022 ej kneifel